Consistent with the premise of my book, Re-United States, a group of Muslim-American scholars (the Fiqh Council of North America) issued a religious edict this week that counsels Muslims not to submit to body scanner screenings at airports. They say that these imaging devices are contrary to Shari’a law as they interpret prohibitions against nudity in the Quran. “It is a violation of clear Islamic teachings that men or women be seen naked by other men and women,” says the fatwa, which of course was supported by CAIR, the Council on American-Islamic Relations. This is despite the fact that “screening images [which are chalk-like outlines devoid of private parts—not photographs] are automatically deleted, and the officer viewing the image will never see the passenger,” according to the TSA.
Hmm, let me get this straight. The reason we need these scanners in the first place is that roughly 5-10% of Muslims worldwide (PEW poll numbers) support violence against infidels and their preferred terror plot is to blast innocent people out of aircraft traveling 600 mph at 35,000 feet. To these Jihadist scholars, however, the flying public’s irreproachable concerns take a “back seat” to these radical Islamic leaders twisted interpretation of the Quran and total disrespect for the Western world in which they have chosen to live. It would be hard to come up with a better example of “stealth Jihad”—the slow but steady erosion of the West’s freedoms as we are shamed into accommodating more and more of Islamic society in our own lands. I hope and pray that I am not the only one insulted and offended by these Islamists. MW
Detroit Free Press, Niraj Warikoo; Feb 12, 2010