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What does NASA and Islam have in common?


Charles Bolden, NASA’s Administrator, gave an interview with Al Jazeera’s Imran Garda on June 17th during a Middle East trip. Consistent with a comment he made last February to a group of engineering students, he stated that President Obama directed him to make “reaching out to the Muslim world a priority for the space agency”. I don’t know, maybe it’s me but this seems like a very odd directive. What on earth (or above earth) does space exploration have to do with Muslim outreach? Only one thing; this president’s pre-occupation with appeasement to Islam in the false belief that doing so will neutralize the Islamist’s goal to have dominion over the world.


“Former NASA Director Says Muslim Outreach Push ‘Deeply Flawed’

this article  http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2010/07/06/nasa-official-walks-claim-muslim-outreach-foremost-mission/

2010-07-11T13:15:27+00:00 July 11th, 2010|


Mosque at ground zero is simply wrong

The Cordoba House plan would build a 15-story community center including a mosque, swimming pool, performing art center, gym, and “other public spaces” at the ground zero site. The project is a collaboration between the American Society for Muslim Advancement and the Cordoba Initiative, both of which exist to “improve relations with followers of the religion”. Sounds reasonable, no? Well, no—not at the hallowed ground where 3,000 innocent people were murdered by a group of Jihadists representing a large minority of Muslims—yes a large minority although politically insensitive to say so.

I was in New York promoting my book Re-United States last week when a Muslim representative of the project was interviewed on the local New York ABC affiliate station. He said, and I paraphrase, “If Americans are to learn tolerance, what better way than a Mosque at ground zero”. With all due respect, it is not Americans who need a lesson of tolerance—it is Muslims the world over (very much including America) whose textbooks, state controlled media, Royalty, and leaders of all walks teach and promote hatred, intolerance, anti-Semitism, Shari’a dominion over all peoples, and not as rarely as many would have us believe; violence. There is no limit to the demands of so-called “moderate” Muslims here and abroad. In my estimation only a Muslim with extremist ideology (non-violent, perhaps-but extremist for sure) could ever support the building of a huge Mosque at the 9 / 11 site. It is the height of insensitivity. To non-violent Jiahdists, who share the same goal as their terrorist counterparts of worldwide Islam differing only in their methodology, absolutely anything and everything that advances Islam everywhere on earth is not just acceptable, it is mandated.

Any reaction by Americans to this audacious proposal other than indignity is politically correct appeasement to the point of madness. I beseech America to wake up. Blind tolerance of the pathologically intolerant is a path to self-destruction. Only when we the people finally re-unite and through our expectations force our pundits and politicians to demand that the silent majority of moderate Muslims join us in defeating the extremist ideology in their body politic, will we rid ourselves of this bane called radical Islam. Muslims will benefit from this exorcism at least as much as us infidels.  T0  invoke Nancy Reagan; “just say no”.

2010-06-05T15:43:18+00:00 June 5th, 2010|

Can you say; J-i-h-a-d?

Daniel Pipes blog regarding the Faisal Shahzad bombing attempt in New York (see link below) is spot on. I find it inexplicable that each new Islamic terror event is described as anything but Islamic terrorism by much of the media and the government. The almost hysterical lengths at which they will go to avoid labeling Jihad as “Jihad” are nothing short of bizarre.  Consider these statements regarding the recent failed attempt to detonate yet another vehicle, this one in Times Square:

CBS News: “It isn’t clear if more suspects are at large OR what the motive could be.”

Nadeem Haider Kiani: spokesman for the Pakistani embassy in Washington: it’s too soon to tell exactly what motivated the bomber but early indications suggest he is “a disturbed individual.”

Law enforcement: (as reported by NY1): “Investigators say they still have no motive for Shahzad’s actions.” (May 5, 2010)

Cable News Network: “It can confirmed that his house has been foreclosed in recent years. I mean, one would have to imagine that brought a lot of pressure and a lot of heartache on that family.”

Attorney General Eric Holder: House Judiciary Committee interview on 5.13.2010: “Do you feel these Islamic extremists such as Shahzad are motivated by radical Islam? Holder: “ There are a number of reasons why these individuals act this way”…Senator Smith-again “ Is radical Islam ONE such reason? Holder: “There are a variety of reasons…..Smith again: “Yes, but is radical Islam is ONE possible reason?…Holder: “I don’t want to say anything negative about a religion…”   This two minute video is uncomfortable to watch but I recommend you DO watch it—see link below. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HOQt_mP6Pgg

Talk about connecting the dots. I wonder if the worldwide schooling of Muslims by Imams and Muslim leaders that America, the West, Christians, and Jews are infidels that must be overcome through Jihad has anything to do with it? Or perhaps the stated goal of al Qaeda, Lashkar-e-Toiba, Hezbollah, Hamas or the other hundred or so Islamic terrorist organizations and the hatred they spew plays a role? How about the 72 virgins awaiting the killers of infidels? Isn’t it clear yet that our failed strategy of blind tolerance of the pathologically intolerant isn’t working out so well? Unless and until we hold all of the enablers of Jihad, violent and non-violent accountable, we have little hope of stemming the growth of radical Islam. Let’s start with rescinding the pass that Islamists have enjoyed for far too long. This is the core premise of my book, Re-United States.


2010-05-14T15:22:13+00:00 May 14th, 2010|

A Rose By EVERY Other Name…

The New York Times, once again exercising tortured journalistic standards, goes out of its way to avoid labeling Islamic terrorism as… well, Islamic terrorism.   In apparent lock-step with the Obama administration where the War On Terror is now called the Overseas Contingency Operation and Islamic terrorism is now called Man caused Disasters, the NYT is at it again. In the NYT Sunday (March 14) edition an article about the man referred to as the “Russian Osama Bin Laden”, Said Buryatsky, is reported to have been killed by Russian authorities. Buryatsky, a convert to Islam, is believed to be responsible for the deadliest attack in the North Caucasus in the last four years, when a suicide bomber killed at least 20 and injured 138 at a police headquarters in Ingushetia. The NYT, in covering this story, completely left out the “Islamic” part of the story-which, of, course, is the story. No mention of his being a convert to Islam, being an Islamist terrorist, being referred to as Russia’s Bin Laden—nothing at all. Unabashed politically correct appeasement is still alive and well at the NYT. MW



THE New York Times (SANITIZED ) VERSION: March 14, 2010 Sunday Times, Section A, page 12 (No URL for this)

2010-03-15T18:57:42+00:00 March 15th, 2010|

You've Got To Be Killing Me…I Mean Kidding Me


Consistent with the premise of my book, Re-United States, a group of Muslim-American scholars (the Fiqh Council of North America) issued a religious edict this week that counsels Muslims not to submit to body scanner screenings at airports. They say that these imaging devices are contrary to Shari’a law as they interpret prohibitions against nudity in the Quran. “It is a violation of clear Islamic teachings that men or women be seen naked by other men and women,” says the fatwa, which of course was supported by CAIR, the Council on American-Islamic Relations. This is despite the fact that “screening images [which are chalk-like outlines devoid of private parts—not photographs] are automatically deleted, and the officer viewing the image will never see the passenger,” according to the TSA.

Hmm, let me get this straight. The reason we need these scanners in the first place is that roughly 5-10% of Muslims worldwide (PEW poll numbers) support violence against infidels and their preferred terror plot is to blast innocent people out of aircraft traveling 600 mph at 35,000 feet. To these Jihadist scholars, however, the flying public’s irreproachable concerns take a “back seat” to these radical Islamic leaders twisted interpretation of the Quran and total disrespect for the Western world in which they have chosen to live. It would be hard to come up with a better example of “stealth Jihad”—the slow but steady erosion of the West’s freedoms as we are shamed into accommodating more and more of Islamic society in our own lands. I hope and pray that I am not the only one insulted and offended by these Islamists. MW

Detroit Free Press, Niraj Warikoo; Feb 12, 2010


2010-02-12T20:16:09+00:00 February 12th, 2010|

blog-post / Score One for the Good Guys


The Texas Supreme Court, in a potentially far-reaching decision, took the wind from the sails of “Lawfare Islamists” on January 15, 2010 when they denied a petition to revisit a lower court decision dismissing a defamation suit against journalist Joe Kaufman. Mr. Kaufman, represented by the Ann Arbor, Michigan based Thomas Moore Law Center, is a journalist who dared to criticize Islamic extremism. Legal intimidation against those who speak out against violent and non-violent Jihad is a favorite tactic by stealth Jihadists. They bring expensive lawsuits against their detractors in an effort to stifle all criticism of radical Islam as they craftily use our own legal system against us. I cover this topic in my book Re-United States. Once again the Thomas More Law Center headed by previous Oakland County prosecutor  Richard Thompson, comes to the rescue of those who take great risk trying to protect and preserve the America that most of us do not even know is under serious attack.  MW  AsOneNation.com


2010-01-24T17:13:50+00:00 January 24th, 2010|

"Crotch Bomber"; Crime or Terror?

BLOG: Umar Farouk Abdul Mutallab, the alleged “crotch bomber,” is currently begin held as a criminal in Michigan’s prison system. Obama administration representatives are on record stating that NW flight 253 was not a “battle field” and that this is a “criminal” case. Therefore, Mutallab has been read his Miranda rights (as are his colleagues on and immediately off of foreign battle fields under the current, misguided administration) and his case is being treated as an unlawful act in the US criminal justice system. I believe he should be treated as the terrorist he obviously is. He should be undergoing interrogation by the FBI and CIA from Guantanamo (a perfect detention facility for War On Terror enemy combatants that should NOT be closing) so we can extract all the information we possibly can from him prior to adjudication of his case in a US military tribunal. Instead we are providing him, free of charge, lawyers and US Constitutional rights. When, at our highest office, ideology trumps logic, we are all in trouble. The Mutallab case is a timely example of why I devoted an entire chapter of Re-United States to address the issue of Military Commissions. MW

See Charles Krauthammer’s article (link below) discsussing this issue from 01.05.2010


2009-12-30T14:05:38+00:00 December 30th, 2009|

Dream or Nightmare?

As Daniel Pipes discusses in his recent blog post, Europe may finally be waking up to the Islamization of their continent. If not for the fundamentalist nature of radical Islam that is hell bent on converting Europe and the West to their severe brand of Islam—not just the faith but the culture and the legal systems, no reaction by the West to Islam’s growth would be necessary. Islamists, aided by the silence of the “Silent Muslim Majority” and the West’s politically correct appeasements, do pose an existential threat to both Europe and America. While America still slumbers in laissez-faire ideology, Europe may finally be recognizing that their well-intentioned dreams of “tolerance” are actually a nightmare that threatens their culture and way of life. Re-United States is intended to “awaken” America before the threat becomes inexorable. MW


2009-12-09T11:37:57+00:00 December 9th, 2009|